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Adjusting your social media habits to protect yourself during divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 18, 2022 | Divorce

Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok have revolutionized how entertainers and other prominent New Yorkers market themselves and interact with their fans. Being a social media personality can itself be a lucrative career.

But for someone going through a divorce, social media can be more of a trap than a help. One ill-conceived post can seriously harm you in matters like property division, spousal support and child custody. For example, your ex could claim that photos you posted from a recent vacation are proof that you are hiding assets.

Five ways to use social media safely while getting divorced

The safest use of social media during a divorce is not to use it at all. But this might not be an option for people who rely on social media to generate advertising revenue and build their brand. So here are five tips for posting online until your divorce is final.

  • Avoid the temptation to badmouth your ex. This can be tough, especially when they are not living up to their child custody or alimony obligations. But when your ex sees what you posted, they could decide to dig in their heels and drag out settlement negotiations to get back at you.
  • Be careful of your friends and family’s social media accounts too. Ask them not to tag you in photos or posts, especially ones depicting partying or questionable behavior or posts bashing your ex.
  • Change your passwords, including your email password, to ensure your ex cannot access them. Even if you never shared your passwords, your ex might try to guess them. Meanwhile, consider setting up a new email account — with an address your ex doesn’t know about — dedicated to corresponding with your divorce attorney.
  • In general, assume that anything you post or email could be seen by your ex and their attorney. Don’t write or post anything you would not be willing to be entered into evidence in court.
  • Don’t ask your friends and loved ones who are still following your ex’s social media accounts to spy on them for you. It puts your friends in an awkward position, and obsessing about what your ex is posting about can only hold back your emotional healing process.

Your attorney can advise you on careful social media usage in greater detail.

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